Uno Reverse Card Uno Reverse Card (Rules Images And Meme) 3 Uno Reverse Card Meaning It keeps the game moving while still allowing the impactful action cards to change up the flow. This adds an extra layer of strategy and prevents any one player from being completely disrupted by a Reverse card. In our house, we let players draw two cards instead of four if they play a numbered card of the same color as the last played. However, many house rules allow a Reverse to be countered by playing another action card like a Skip or Wild Draw card instead. When played, it reverses the direction of play so that play goes in the opposite directions. The Reverse Card is considered an Action Card, just like Draw Two, Skip, and Wild cards. Reverse UNO Card Meaning Uno Reverse Card As per the official rules, playing a Reverse card means the next player must now draw four cards as their turn instead of being able to play a numbered card or other playable card from their hand.
This can cause major disruptions and changes to the normal turn order. When uno reverse card is played, it forces the next player to go in the opposite direction of play. The Reverse Card in UNO is one of the most powerful action cards in the game.